Glory be to all the fathers, step-fathers, and all people

Who provide direct support for mothers and people who birth, You are loved.

Glory be to all the fathers, step-fathers, and all people

Who provide direct support for mothers and people who directly care for children, elders, and the disabled. You are loved.

The Light of God shines brightly in those who provide life sustaining support for all mothers that they do not know.


Glory be to all the mothers and people who birth. You are loved.

Glory be to all the mothers, step-mothers, and all people

Who provide direct care for children, elders, and the disabled. You are loved

The Light of God shines brightly in those willing and able to provide enduring labor for those that need daily assistance.


Glory be to all the children, it’s never your fault. You are loved.

Glory be to all the elders and disabled in the care of others, it’s never your fault. You are loved.

The Light of God shines brightly in those who are not in control of their own circumstances.


Glory be to those who have lost pregnancies and children. You are loved.

Glory be to those who are unable to: birth, provide care for, or support others at this time.  You are loved.

Glory be to those who have lost loved ones or who have lost themselves.  You are all loved.

The Light of God shines brightly in everyone; we are worthy as we are.  Hold all doubts with love.

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