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The Egg

Eggs are an eternal symbol for fertility, life, and resurrection. Christian Folklore attributes much symbology to eggs. One example is from Eastern Orthodoxy Catholicism; there is a traditional story about Mary Magdalene, who is now widely acknowledged as having a leadership role in the early church. The story is that when Mary Magdalene brought the good news about Jesus’s resurrection to the Roman Emperor Tiberious, the emperor did not believe her, and states that “the story of the resurrection had as much a chance of being true as that egg in your hand turning red!” At that point, the egg in Mary’s hand turned red.


Ereshkigal’s Daughter

Ereshkigal’s Daughter

If any of us were to write a story of what we have overcome to access a place of healing, we might think we would choose to name ourselves “queen,” for we would be in a place to know that we had surmounted great obstacles to stand in our power. Most people striving to...

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Two Trees

Two Trees

Like most people who come from a modern academic theological background that is based upon the workings of the mind without the benefit of internalizing knowledge through the body, the heart, without the advantage of a practical experience, McLaren misses the...

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