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The Egg

Eggs are an eternal symbol for fertility, life, and resurrection. Christian Folklore attributes much symbology to eggs. One example is from Eastern Orthodoxy Catholicism; there is a traditional story about Mary Magdalene, who is now widely acknowledged as having a leadership role in the early church. The story is that when Mary Magdalene brought the good news about Jesus’s resurrection to the Roman Emperor Tiberious, the emperor did not believe her, and states that “the story of the resurrection had as much a chance of being true as that egg in your hand turning red!” At that point, the egg in Mary’s hand turned red.


A Donkey and a Colt

A Donkey and a Colt

In Matthew’s account, Jesus is mentioned as riding on both animals.  Well, that’s awkward to imagine!  Could it be that his mother was on the donkey?  Maybe in those days or to some, it would hardly be worth a mention that a woman would also be riding. 

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Consecrate Your Heart

Consecrate Your Heart

No one, especially and including any clergy who participates in a systemic form of domination, can consecrate anyone else to the Heart of Our Mother.  The origin of this idea is thought without heart from the powerful or a plea of mercy from the enslaved. Consecration...

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A Letter from Jill to the Patriarchs at the US Conference of Bishops

A Letter from Jill to the Patriarchs at the US Conference of Bishops

The institutional church is in a position to permanently change the very actions that have led to gross abuses of power.  Making a declaration of excommunication against Women Priests is a declaration of an act of war.  Perhaps some peacekeeping needs to be done in our own house before we go out and try to mediate between our neighbors in military conflict? Maybe we all just start with, Jesus’ own words:  “Whoever is not against us, is for us.”  (Mark 9:38-40)

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